Category: Addiction

How Meth Addiction Affects My Body

Methamphetamines, more commonly known as meth, are some of the most addictive illicit substances manufactured in Kitsap County and all over Washington. As a result, it is easy for occasional meth abusers to become addicted...

What are the Most Common Addictions in Washington/Oregon?

Alcohol Although alcohol purchase and consumption is legal, it is still the most common addiction. Deaths related to alcohol are more frequent than deaths related to any other substance. This addiction is particularly dangerous because...

Addiction and Premature Aging: Why Do Drugs Make You Age Faster

For those suffering from a drug problem, premature aging can be a real concern. Addictions do not allow a person to stop using without help, even when watching their body deteriorate. Drugs cause significant stress...

The Blame Game

People suffering from addictions often blame others for their troubles. Addicts find it easy to ignore responsibility for their actions and avoid confronting the challenges associated with admitting and recovering from their addiction. One thing...

10 Ideas To Help You Stay Sober During The Holidays

For many, the holidays are a time of family, friends, and binging – whether that be cookies, Netflix shows, or alcohol. You have time off work, the food and booze is flowing, and the people...


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The Power of Positive Thinking in Recovery

For many, the holidays are a time of...

Risk Factors for Substance Abuse

For many, the holidays are a time of...

April is Alcohol Awareness Month

For many, the holidays are a time of...

The Dangers of Mixing Xanax and Alcohol

For many, the holidays are a time of...