Medically Managed Detox in Washington

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Located in the State of Washington, our facility here at Free by the Sea is equipped with a group of physicians and staff members who help individuals go through the entire treatment process. We use medically managed methods to address alcohol and drug addiction recovery in a comfortable and safe way.

If you or someone you know needs help addressing substance use problems, the staff here at Free by the Sea can help. We work to provide medications and treatment approaches that will help reduce the effects of withdrawal including anxiety, depression, and sleep issues. If our staff members notice additional problems that may have played a role in or triggered alcohol or drug abuse in an individual, medications will also be used to help relieve these underlying conditions.

Why Use Medically Managed Services?

When seeking to enroll in an addiction treatment program, many individuals are faced with plenty of uncertainty. It’s often difficult to sift through the resources and treatment services that are available in order to find the very best one for your needs.

But, learning more about the treatment process and what to expect while engaging in a program for recovery can be extremely helpful. So, as you begin to seek help for alcohol use or drug use in your life, it is important to consider the journey ahead.

Detox is often the first step in the addiction treatment process. But, many individuals are unsure about its effectiveness or value. While this is an understandable concern, it’s best to learn more about detox and why it is important before discussing the value of medically managed services for addiction.

The Importance of Detoxification

When a person decides to end substance use and seek help for addiction recovery, he or she may encounter quite a bit of physical and emotional discomfort. Individuals who stop drinking alcohol or using drugs after having used these drugs frequently will experience withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can range in severity. But, regardless of their severity levels, each of these symptoms can pose the threat of discomfort. Sadly, these symptoms often lead to relapse as individuals resort back to substance use in order to alleviate the pain or discomfort they feel.

In some cases, the symptoms of withdrawal can be so intense and severe that they could lead to life-threatening effects. Depending on the type of substance a person was using and the length of time the substance was being used, withdrawal can be very serious.

But, this is where medically managed detoxification can help. Those who are struggling with addiction should never attempt to end substance use without help. Seeking professional help can literally save the recovering individual’s life.

The Benefits of Medically Managed Services for Addiction Treatment

At Free by the Sea, we understand that certain medications can help boost an individual’s chances of overcoming addiction. We know that, with the right kind of help, our clients can begin living a sober lifestyle.

This addiction treatment approach combines the use of detox medications with the care and supervision of doctors who specialize in addiction treatment. This can help reduce the severity of the withdrawal symptoms a person experiences. Also, it can help address underlying medical causes.

Our goal here at Free by the Sea is to make recovery more tolerable and comfortable. Our team realizes that having these benefits increases the likelihood that our patients will succeed in reaching their goal of sobriety.

By means of medically managed approaches, individuals struggling with alcohol and drug use disorders will work in close connection with their physician using a treatment plan that has been tailored to the individual’s specific needs.

As our patients move through rehab and the recovery process, our doctors will carefully monitor their progress. They will use continuing assessments and the information that is taken from these assessments to change medication levels as they are needed. Using this approach, individuals who are struggling with alcohol and drug abuse will be able to complete their rehab in a safe and quick manner.

Our staff will use a precise clinical analysis at the time when the individual’s system is free from drugs and alcohol. If co-occurring issues come out during this time, treatment will be administered that will help the individual build a stable life.

Getting Treatment That Works Best for You

Here at Free by the Sea, we know that all of our clients have specific needs. We understand the importance of addressing these needs in a unique and meaningful way. So, we strive to take an individualized approach to addiction treatment here at our facility. In doing so, we work to provide each client with the help and resources they need as they navigate through the world of recovery.

One of the ways in which we work to offer the best of care to our clients is through the location and resources of our facility. Free by the Sea is located in a lovely area. Our beautiful and welcoming facility is located on the Long Beach Peninsula, right here in Ocean Park, WA.

Our professional and understanding staff members are dedicated to providing care to each patient. We approach addiction treatment with respect, understanding the challenges that many of our clients are facing.

We offer a client-focused treatment program, giving our clients the respect and care they truly deserve. At Free by the Sea, we want you to know that your needs and concerns are our top priorities.

About Our Facility and Treatment Approaches

The Free by the Sea facility is equipped with 77 treatment beds, making room for many patients to come and receive the hope and help they need as they pursue sobriety. We also have areas where individuals can exercise or play volleyball and basketball. Our facility offers a peaceful environment where people can safely work to overcome their struggles with alcoholism and drug abuse.

Located on five acres of land facing the Pacific, our treatment center provides a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere for those who are working toward recovery. Our staff, complete with certified counselors and mental health specialists, help each client in specific ways.

As our professionally trained staff work with clients using these therapeutic approaches, they are able to discover and address some of the underlying causes of each person’s addiction. Some of these underlying issues may include depressionanxiety, low self-esteem, stress, and relationship problems.

Therapy Services at Free by the Sea

At our facility, we offer therapy and treatment approaches that can help to equip and prepare our patients for the next step in the journey to recovery. These treatment approaches include the following:

  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Trauma-informed treatment

While in therapy, individuals can also gain and develop helpful skills and tools in order to become and remain free from addiction. We work to help each individual develop relapse prevention skills, understanding that relapse can occur when individuals are not properly prepared to deal with triggers and challenges during and after treatment. We also help our clients to develop helpful life skills and offer education about addiction and its effects.

At Free by the Sea, recovering individuals can participate in group therapy sessions. While in group meetings with other recovering individuals, people can gain interpersonal skills and learn more about how addiction affects them and the people around them. Group therapy also helps people to form support groups and find accountability partners. Since support and accountability are both critical to a successful recovery, group therapy proves to be very beneficial for those in recovery from addiction.

Our patients can also participate in individual therapy. This approach takes place in a safe, comfortable environment. Sessions include only the recovering individual and a therapist. This offers a space where people can discuss their challenges and triggers without fear of judgment. Professional therapists and counselors can use these individual therapy sessions to help clients identify and work through any underlying issues and prepare for life outside of treatment.

Let Us Help You: Contact Free by the Sea

Overcoming addiction is no easy feat. The process is often challenging and difficult for those who are working to end alcoholism or drug misuse. Individuals on the journey to recovery may encounter many issues, including a lack of support, an inability to find help, and feelings of guilt or shame. But, we want to offer hope and motivation to each person who is looking for light and hope here in the state of Washington.

Here at Free by the Sea, our mission is to encourage individuals who have been affected by substance use disorder. We work to assure each client that recovery is possible! So, if you or someone you know could use some help finding freedom from addiction, please contact us today.
Our team here at Free by the Sea is committed to seeing you do more than simply survive. We want to help you thrive! Allow us to help you to find your way to a life without the pain and disappointment of addiction. Let us walk with you as you proceed down the path of sobriety and freedom!