Addiction Rehab For Young Adults in Washington

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Across the nation, there are numerous young adults who are currently struggling with alcohol abuse or drug addiction. The transition from childhood and adolescent years to adulthood can be difficult. Over the past few decades, substance abuse rates have increased amongst people ages 18 to 30.

Statistics say that by their senior year of high school, approximately 49% of students had used illicit substances at least once. Young adults who try drugs or alcohol are more prone to develop an addiction.

The substances most generally used by young adults will include:

Although there has been a surge of substance use amongst young adults, that generation is still less likely to seek out treatment than older adults. Frequently, the younger generation refuses to stop using substances until they experience severe adverse effects. Even at that point, they may attempt to self-treat themselves rather than seeking out an addiction treatment program.

In response to an increase in national drug and alcohol addiction cases, rehab centers have become more accessible and convenient. Most also specialize in treatment programs tailored to young adults suffering from addiction.

The recovery process is not the same for each patient. Treatment centers will treat the addiction head-on while addressing the patient as a whole, rather than concentrating only on the substance use problem. Also, addiction treatment programs for young adults ordinarily provide amenities, activities, and therapies that are customized to patients in their late teens and early twenties.

Challenges Young Adults Face When Seeking Addiction Rehab

Seeking treatment for substance addiction can be stressful for young adults. Whether they have recently graduated from high school, are attending a university, or starting their profession, numerous young adults perceive addiction treatment as an immense obstacle that simply isn’t an option for them.

Additionally, seeking addiction treatment at a younger age could appear challenging because many young adult colleagues are still engaging in a party lifestyle. Becoming and staying sober while friends proceed to use substances can be very difficult. Some young adults could even decide not to seek addiction treatment due to concern their friends are judging them.

Another hurdle that young adults deal with when deciding to enlist the help of an addiction treatment program is because they’ll have to miss work or school for an extended period. This puts their education or profession on hold, which may be unappealing to young adults wanting to finish school or who have recently begun a new job.

All of these hurdles make seeking treatment challenging for numerous young adults. Fortunately, many addiction treatment centers offer young adult-oriented therapy programs to address these challenges and assist patients while they work through them. The treatment center might also offer specialized therapy that is catered to helping patients overcome these concerns while teaching them coping skills to re-enter the real world upon leaving treatment.

Regardless of the challenges young adults face regarding addiction treatment, it’s vital to understand that receiving help for addiction is a top priority. Seeking addiction treatment helps pave the way for a happier and more prosperous future for young adults suffering from addiction.

More Barriers Young Adults Face When Inquiring in Addiction Rehab

benefits of rehab on young adultsThe idea of seeking addiction treatment may seem like a terrible choice. Questions may start running through your mind like how to take time off of work, what your friends and family will think, and how to pay for it.

Although it is reasonable to worry about school or work obligations, universities and employers understand the significance of getting addiction treatment. Individuals are most productive when living a stable and healthy lifestyle. Counselors and human resource departments usually have policies already in place for students and employees to take a leave of absence for substance addiction treatment. Even if your school or employer is reluctant to allow a leave of absence, the top priority is getting the treatment needed to ensure a healthy and sober lifestyle.

It is imperative to avoid getting overwhelmed with “what if” thoughts. Overthinking this way could immediately spiral out of control and present thoughts of uncertainty. Seeking addiction treatment doesn’t make you weak; actually, it’s quite the opposite. It takes courage and strength to overcome substance addiction. Addiction rehab for young adults paves the path to create a healthier lifestyle.

Benefits Of Addiction Rehab For Young Adults

​Young adults will find several benefits that come with attending an addiction treatment program catered to their age group. A majority of drug and alcohol rehab facilities that offer these programs have treatment professionals who recognize the unique needs that young adults require to convert to a sober lifestyle. This helps young adults in addiction rehab programs feel valued and realize that their needs are being fulfilled.

Some of the other advantages of addiction rehab for young adults will include the following:

  • Addiction rehab for young adults offers a more comfortable environment that helps patients feel more at home.
  • They present opportunities for patients to form relationships with each other.
  • They provide programs that address the individual issues that young adults face during treatment.
  • There are activities and therapy sessions that cater to young adults.

Addiction rehab for young adults helps patients feel more at ease throughout their recovery. The more comfortable and relaxed people feel, the higher chance they have to complete their recovery program successfully.

Types of Addiction Rehab Programs for Young Adults

Addiction rehab programs for young adults can take place in several different settings. Commonly, the type of substance, the length used, and various other factors help in determining the most suitable form of therapy.

Residential programs are more intensive than other treatment forms; nevertheless, they are instrumental in providing some of the most successful rates for lifelong sobriety.

Also known as inpatient treatment, residential treatment offers round-the-clock medical supervision for patients. Since all rehab programs have different lengths of stay, patients can focus on particular issues while developing recovery skills. In the early stages of rehab, an addiction treatment specialist will work with the patient to produce a recovery plan and set clinical milestones. These programs allow patients to work on their goals in a safe and supportive environment.

Residential addiction rehab programs for young adults include:

  • 30, 60, and 90-day Programs — Most inpatient rehab programs will consist of a 30, 60, and 90-day treatment plan. Upon entering the residential facility, patients will go through the intake and evaluation process, followed by detox, individual and group therapy, and aftercare. Less severe cases of substance addiction usually only require 30 days, whereas more severe addictions may require a more extended stay. Some may begin with a 30-day program and then decide whether or not they need to extend their stay for further guidance.
  • Sober Living Homes — To help patients adjust to daily life after inpatient rehab, sober living homes offer a safe, drugfree environment to reside in. These facilities help patients progressively get back to a routine while living with peers who all face the same challenges. While not as intensive as inpatient facilities, sober living homes do have obligatory group meetings, curfews, and other conditions that must be met to stay there.
  • Ongoing Recovery and Support Groups — Treatment doesn’t end upon leaving rehab. Staying sober requires patience and dedication. Those reasons are why recovery programs and support groups implement ongoing support and accountability. Some groups are geared toward specific addictions and genders, whereas others offer general meetings that anyone can attend.

Additional addiction rehab programs for young adults include:

  • Specialized Counseling — Treatment centers may provide various forms of therapy to help young adults in coping with the unique challenges this demographic experiences.
  • Family Therapy — Various young adults may still depend on their immediate family members as a support system. Family therapy helps members to understand better addiction and how to communicate efficiently while their loved one goes through the recovery process.
  • Alternative Therapy — Multiple addiction treatment centers offer a variety of alternative therapies to help encourage young adults in overcoming their addiction. Alternative therapies usually include yoga, art, and adventure therapy.
  • Social Skills Development — Young adults suffering from addiction may experience a delay in emotional development. Treatment that is directed at social skills development helps educate young adults on how to control their relationships and emotions positively.

Furthermore, addiction treatment rehab for young adults will often offer therapy that concentrates on co-occurring disorders and dual diagnosis (suffering from substance addiction and mental health disorders). By addressing both conditions concurrently, this assures the best possibility for long-term recovery.

What Residential Addiction Rehab for Young Adults Offers

Inpatient addiction rehab programs tailored for young adults has numerous advantages. Primarily, these rehab centers have treatment specialists on staff 24/7 who understand the emotional, physical, and behavioral issues that young adults frequently deal with.

Some of the primary benefits of inpatient addiction rehab for young adults include:

  • Specialized counseling: Young adults usually face different challenges and hurdles than older adults do. Therapists at a residential rehab center teach patients how to deal with diverse triggers that are common amongst young adults.
  • Correlating with a network of sober peers: Attending addiction rehab for adults has many advantages besides getting the help necessary to live a sober lifestyle. Patients can all connect and relate to each other because everyone has the same mission: to support each other in becoming healthy and abstinent from substance use.
  • Different forms of therapy: Inpatient treatment programs are formed based on the general preferences of the patients attending. Treatment options available will include exercise, music, yoga, meditation, and more.
  • Communicative skills development: Substance addiction will ordinarily harm the emotional development of young adults. Addiction rehab for young adults can provide patients with social skills that will help them throughout their adulthood, both individually and professionally.

Choosing The Best Treatment Program for Young Adults

While inquiring about addiction rehab options, it is vital not to settle on a treatment center just because it’s less expensive or closer to your home. Addiction treatment programs come in many different forms, from room-and-board to amenities and activities that are offered.

It is vital to learn what therapies, amenities, and other services are best for your age category. Treatment programs with the highest success rate of success, and that offers addiction rehab for young adults should be the priority.

Some questions to ponder before deciding on an addiction treatment program will include:

  • Which types of treatment are administered?
  • Can they treat particular forms of dependence?
  • What does an average day entail?
  • How does the treatment center prepare patients for life outside of treatment?
  • Which amenities are provided?
  • Are support groups and continuous recovery programs offered?
  • What are the success rates of patients who’ve completed the program?
  • Does the treatment center treat co-occurring disorders, such as anxiety or depression?

Receiving the Best Treatment Available at Free By The Sea

If you or a loved one could benefit from addiction rehab for young adults, then look no further than Free By The Sea. Our programs have helped countless young adults who walked in fearful and uncertain, only to leave the facility sober and confident to re-enter the world with the tools needed to fight triggers and cravings.

Our treatment specialists here at Free By The Sea are available 24/7 to answer the questions you have to help in making the best decision you could ever make about your health. There’s no need to wait; contact our treatment facility now and let our team of specialists help you!