Treatment for Inhalant Abuse

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Inhalants can be found in common household, medical, and industrial products. These can produce vapors, which some people abuse through inhaling. This is done to produce a high or intoxicating family. Inhalant abuse is a serious problem that can lead to serious health consequences.

Inhalant abuse treatment can help people recover from the harmful effects of inhalants and avoid further problems. Treatment for inhalant abuse typically includes counseling, support groups, and medical care.

In some cases, medication may also be used to help treat inhalant abuse. If you or someone you know is struggling with inhalant abuse, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible. With proper treatment, many people are able to overcome this difficult addiction and live healthy, productive lives.

What are Inhalants?

Inhalants are substances that people breathe in through their nose or mouth to get high. They include household products, like aerosols, cleaning fluids, and spray paints. People also abuse medical gasses, like nitrous oxide. Commonly abused inhalants include:

  • Aerosols
  • Gasses
  • Nitrites
  • Solvents

Inhalant abuse is dangerous because it can lead to serious health consequences, including brain damage, organ damage, and death. If you or someone you know is struggling with inhalant abuse, please get help from a professional as soon as possible. There are many resources available to help you or your loved one recover from this dangerous addiction.

Other Names for Inhalants

Like with other widely used drugs, inhalants go by many other names, specifically when they are getting abused. Inhalants are often referred to by other names, such as huffing, sniffing, dusting, and bagging. No matter what they are called, inhaling chemicals to get high is extremely dangerous and can lead to serious health consequences, including death.

How are Inhalants Used?

Inhalants are breathing inhaled objects which can be either sprayed into a bag and then inhaled, or poured onto cloths/sleeves before being introduced to your nose/mouth for absorption through the lungs. This method is very dangerous because it could cause suffocation if not done correctly.

Signs of Inhalant Abuse

Inhalant abuse can be difficult to spot because the inhalants themselves are often found in household products. However, there are a few signs that may indicate that someone is abusing inhalants:

  • Slurred speech
  • Drowsiness
  • Lack of coordination
  • Nosebleeds
  • Irritability
  • Hallucinations
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Worsened performance at school, work, or homelife
  • Changes in appearance
  • Spending large amounts of time engaging in inhalants

If you or someone you know is exhibiting these signs, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Inhalant abuse can lead to death, so it should not be taken lightly.

What are the effects of inhalants?

outpatient treatment at fbtsInhalants are particularly dangerous because they are easily accessible and often underestimated. Like all drugs and abuse, sniffing or huffing inhalants can lead to a wide range of harmful effects, both short- and long-term. It’s important to be aware of the consequences that come with inhalant abuse and get proper help as soon as possible.

Inhalants can affect people differently depending on several different factors. The effects of inhalants can be impacted by:

  • A person’s body weight, size, or overall health
  • The amount inhaled
  • The amount of fresh air being taken in while sniffing
  • The strength of the drug being used
  • Whether or not a person is used to taking inhalants
  • The amount of physical activity present before/after sniffing

Sniffing and inhalant use in general can cause several different negative effects on a person’s body, some of which can be extremely dangerous if under the wrong circumstances. Let’s take a closer look at some of the short- and long-term effects of inhalant abuse.

Short-term Effects of Inhalant Abuse

In the short-term, inhalant abuse can cause the following effects:

  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Hallucinations
  • Impaired coordination
  • Nausea
  • Slurred speech
  • Headaches
  • Intoxication

Long-term Effects of Inhalant Abuse

Long-term inhalant abuse can be a lot more brutal as time goes on. Long-term inhalant abuse can end up causing damage to the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys. It can also lead to hearing loss, muscle weakness, and vision problems. Other problems that develop, can include:

  • Abnormal heart rhythm
  • Coma
  • Dependence
  • Injuries
  • Pneumonia
  • Work, school, and life problems
  • Tremors
  • Depression
  • Memory loss
  • Weight loss

If you or someone you know is abusing inhalants, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible.

Overdosing on Inhalants

detoxification process
Believe it or not, it is possible to overdose on inhalants if you inhale a substance too many times. An overdose can also occur if the inhalant is extremely powerful. If you sense that someone is suffering an overdose, call 9-11 immediately. Symptoms of an inhalant overdose can include:

  • Hallucinations
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Blacking out
  • Seizures or coma
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Chest pains

In some cases, specific substances have been known to result in sudden death. Certain chemicals found in substances can lead to heart failure. This does depend on a person’s physical state before and during inhaling (heavy exercise, stress, etc.). While this has been shown to be very rare, it is still possible in some cases.

Inhalants and Mental Health

As with all abused substances, inhalants can be directly related to mental problems. Those who abuse inhalants on a regular basis may be prone to higher rates of anxiety disorders, depression, and further drug/alcohol use. If a person is already experiencing mental issues beforehand, inhalants can exasperate these symptoms. Inhalants can also have negative effects on a person’s home, school, and work life.

Inhalant Withdrawal

Withdrawal occurs when a person has become dependent on a substance. When a person stops using the drug, their body will begin to show uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. The same applies to inhalants.

Withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • Nausea
  • Hangover
  • Cramps
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle aches
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Intense cravings for inhalants

These symptoms appear at around the 24-48 hour point (after last use) and can last up to 2-5 days.

Inhalant Abuse Treatment

inhalant abuse treatment program
Treatment for an addiction to inhalants typically involves attending a rehabilitation center and completing 12-step programs. In some cases, people are also required to go through therapy or support groups in order to establish themselves after they’ve completed treatment. At Free by the Sea, we offer quality support throughout the entire process.

Inhalant Detox

Typically, the first step to inhalant abuse treatment is detox. Detox helps rid the body of toxic substances and sets a person up for more specialized drug addiction treatment. Detox for inhalant abuse should always be done under medical supervision, as it can be dangerous. There are a number of different treatment options available, and the best option for each individual will vary depending on the severity of their inhalant abuse and any underlying mental health conditions.

Residential Treatment

Inpatient or residential care involves staying in a treatment facility where you can receive around-the-clock care. This is often recommended for people with severe inhalant abuse problems. Inpatient treatment offers the best and most comprehensive level of treatment. Free by the Sea offers a safe and comfortable space for you and your loved ones when getting inhalant abuse treatment.

Outpatient Programs

Another option for inhalant abuse help is outpatient treatment programs. Outpatient care allows you to live at home while attending treatment during the day. This may be a good option for people with less severe inhalant abuse problems. Each weekly visit will focus specifically on therapy and other treatment help with you in mind. As mentioned, outpatient treatment is best for those who are not suffering from severe cases of inhalant abuse.

Therapy for Inhalant Abuse

Therapy for inhalant abuse should be tailored to each individual. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can be helpful in teaching people how to cope with triggers and cravings, among other therapy methods. Family therapy can help improve family relationships and communication. The best inhalant abuse treatment plan will take into account the severity of your inhalant abuse and any underlying mental health conditions. At Free by the Sea, our passionate staff will provide personalized and quality support to make sure you don’t feel alone in overcoming your addiction.

Choose Free by the Sea!

Free by the Sea offers inhalant abuse treatment and other addiction treatment options. If you or a loved one is suffering from inhalant abuse, don’t wait any longer. Our beautiful facility in Washington state is ready to help you and your family. Don’t wait for things to get worse, start living the life you and your loved ones deserve. Reach out to our qualified team today!