Medical Detox Program in Washington

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Superior treatment, beginning with detox, can help to successfully fight drug and alcohol abuse. Detoxification allows individuals to eliminate the dangerous and harmful chemicals that have built up in their system through prolonged substance abuse.

Medical Detox Centers in Washington State

We have excellent relationships with detox centers in Washington State and surrounding areas. We will assist you with detox placement should you or your loved one require this service prior to entering our drug and alcohol addiction treatment program. During your stay at a drug and alcohol detox facility in Washington State, you will have access to doctors and all the resources you need to take the first steps to put an end to your addiction and begin rebuilding your life. Additionally, people who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction have many underlying complex issues that must be resolved to get the best results.

Unfortunately, most people who struggle with alcohol, heroin, or other substances do not meet their goals with just one visit to rehab. The entire process takes a little more time and effort. For the best results, individuals must first go into detox and receive necessary medical treatment. Individuals who visit Free by the Sea have access to all the resources they need right at their fingertips. Detoxification is the first step in the process that individuals must complete for a full recovery.

Free by the Sea Detox

What is a Medical Detox?

During the detox phase, individuals are slowly weaned off drugs or alcohol under the supervision of a physician. They are monitored by a doctor because people in detox usually experience a long list of side effects. Although every individual is different, most experience the same symptoms during detoxification. Some of the common symptoms individuals experience are mood swings, headaches, sweating, and nausea. Detoxing may also generate serious side effects that are a cause for concern and can have a tremendous impact on a patient. Some individuals experience life-threatening symptoms that require immediate medical attention. In addition, individuals who undergo detox have the added reassurance that they will be under doctor supervision throughout the process.

At the detox center, doctors are available to answer questions, guide you through the process and prescribe medications that are designed to help you deal with all the side effects. Psychotherapists are also on call to help individuals deal with all of the various emotional issues that recovering addicts must deal with as well.

Types of Medical Detox in Washington State

Drug Detoxification Is the First Step to Recovery

Individuals who enter treatment centers in Washington State have access to all the resources they need to get through the process and manage all the symptoms in an effective, efficient, painless, and safe manner. Throughout the entire process, constant evaluation and monitoring by a doctor are available.

The doctors have experience dealing with all the various issues that recovering addicts experience. Whether you need medication, have questions, or require further assistance, doctors are available to help you get through drug and alcohol detox.

The Basics of Withdrawal Management

Individuals who are addicted to heroin will need to take methadone or buprenorphine. During medical detox, doctors must determine the right levels of buprenorphine or methadone. Determining the right levels of medication can take more time than expected at first, but it is an important part of the recovery process.

Other medications that help individuals manage and cope with physical pain and other problems may be prescribed as needed. For best results, doctors continuously monitor medication levels throughout the process to make certain patients receive the proper dosages. Once doctors determine an individual is receiving the proper dosage, the person is slowly weaned off the medication until the drugs are no longer in the system.

The Seven Keys to Successful Detoxification

To get the best results, individuals should take the time to learn as much as they can about detoxification. Consequently, individuals who take the time to learn about detox services usually have an easier time completing the process. In addition, they also have the information they need to begin building a solid emotional and physical foundation for a brighter future. Individuals should always keep the following seven keys to a successful drug and alcohol detox in mind.

#1 — Once in treatment, never stop treatment unless your doctor tells you treatment is complete.

Individuals who follow doctors’ orders and do not stop treatment have less chance of relapsing after release. The most successful individuals are those who stay in treatment until they are ready to start fresh on their own.

#2 — Invest in yourself for best results.

Rehabilitation takes time and patience, but it is well worth the effort. After you have completed the entire process, you will be glad you took the time to invest in yourself.

#3 — Have faith that all will go well.

Never doubt you have the ability to overcome your struggles with addiction. Have faith in yourself that you will be able to get through the process. By working directly with your physician and taking advantage of all the resources available, you will complete the program efficiently and effectively.

#4 — Never attempt to detoxify on your own.

Individuals who stop drug and alcohol abuse on their own are taking a very big chance. This is because a lot can go wrong during and after detox, including but not limited to relapse. For the best results, individuals should complete the detox process under the supervision of a physician. We can help you find a center for medical detox in Washington State that will best fit your needs.

#5 — Listen to your doctor.

No matter what issues may arise during detox, you can count on your doctor to help you throughout the process. Your doctor has specific experience treating individuals in detox. By listening to your doctor, you may be able to complete the detoxification process faster. Additionally, whether your doctor has urged you to get more sleep, drink more water or do something else, you should always follow your doctor’s orders.

#6 — Get along with others.

Once you start detox, chances are you will make friends with others who are also in treatment here at Free by the Sea. Your new friends can help you get through the program. In addition, many of your new friends can also offer you additional support after completing the program.

#7 — Be honest.

The key to success is to be honest and open with your doctors and counselors. Take the time to let them know about your entire medical history, including but not limited to mental illness or health issues you may be struggling with at the time. By taking the time to be honest with your doctors, you will be on your way to a speedy recovery.

Withdrawal Process at Medical Detox in Washington State

Not every drug withdrawal process is the same with regard to detoxification. Certain drugs and alcohol withdrawals are so severe that detox should only be done under the direct supervision of a licensed physician and counselor. Trying to detox on your own without a doctor can have an impact on results. If you are struggling with a substance use disorder, a medical detox in Washington State is the first step toward recovery.

Heroin Withdrawal

Heroin produces a combination of side effects, including a euphoric high and drowsiness. Individuals who use heroin will start to experience some of the withdrawal symptoms within 24 hours of the last time the drug was used. The symptoms typically last for one week. Individuals who wean from the drug often experience a long list of withdrawal symptoms, including but not limited to diarrhea, vomiting, chills, watery eyes, nausea, and other symptoms.

Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol is a sedative that can cause coma or sudden death. People who stop drinking usually start experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms within 24 hours from the last time of use and can last as long as one week. In addition, withdrawal symptoms can also begin once the blood alcohol levels begin to decrease. Individuals who are going through detox may experience seizures, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and death. Doctor supervision is advised because individuals often experience an increase in their heart rate, blood pressure, and overall body temperature.

Mental Health and Addiction Treatment in the State of Washington

Find out how Free by the Sea, a highly acclaimed rehabilitation center located in the State of Washington, can help you put an end to your substance abuse. The sooner you enter a detox program; the sooner you can take the steps to begin rebuilding your life and begin working on all of the relationships that may have deteriorated over the years. Don’t let your substance use consume your life.

Why Choose Free by the Sea?

Free by the Sea is a beautiful campus, located on the Long Beach Peninsula in Ocean Park, Washington State. Our community of dedicated professionals is committed to providing care to all individuals with dignity and respect. Client-centered care respectful of individual needs and concerns is the foundation of our approach. We adhere to evidence-based practices which focus on successful outcomes for long-term recovery. Services provided include:

  • Multi-sport areas
  • 12-step meetings
  • Various types of therapy
  • Peaceful and safe environment
  • Nutritional meals to restore health
  • Residential, PHP, and IOP levels of care
  • Evidence-based substance use disorder treatment

Find Help With Free by the Sea

Take the first step and call today. Take charge of your life before your substance abuse takes complete control of you. Start the process so you can begin repairing your relationships with family and friends. Call Free by the Sea to learn how we can help you achieve your goals. We are a nationally acclaimed addiction treatment facility, located in Washington State with proven results. Find out how we can assist you in finding a detox program that can help you rebuild your life. Only you can take the first step to begin leading a new life.