Marijuana Rehab in Washington

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Free by the Sea is a rehab treatment facility that can help individuals rebuild their lives if they are ready to prevent the ongoing cycle of relapse from marijuana use. Located in the State of Washington, we can help them regain control of their lives.

Serving the Nation, based in the Pacific Northwest.

Although prescription medications have been used for the recovery of addiction, there is no one pill that can treat the abuse of marijuana. People who find themselves using marijuana every day and who are unable to break free from the cycle of use need to reaffirm their sobriety each day as new temptations and obstacles arise. They cannot take a pill or undergo a procedure to quit the addiction permanently. Sobriety from marijuana requires work for the rest of their lives to avoid and move past temptation.

Committing to abstinence every morning might seem like a somewhat easy thing to do, but people who need marijuana to sleep, work, or stave off anxiety often find that abstinence is hard. The Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment has published studies that show that 71% or more of adults who completely abstain from marijuana relapse during the first six months. Many people take the first step by getting a detox or joining a support group, but relapse becomes a big worry as temptations slowly begin to present themselves.

The statistics and facts might appear disheartening and make many people wonder how they can be sober permanently. We at Free by the Sea believe that the answer lies in a targeted recovery program tailored to each individual that moves well beyond treating the side effects of marijuana addiction. Our treatment cuts to the root of the problem and includes ongoing support. With the proper treatment and an open mind, it is possible to abstain from marijuana use permanently.

Marijuana Detox

Although prescription medications have been used for addiction treatment, there is no single pill that can treat marijuana abuse. People who find themselves using marijuana every day and are unable to break free from the cycle of use need to reaffirm their sobriety each day as new temptations and obstacles arise. They cannot take a pill or undergo a procedure to quit the addiction permanently. Sobriety from marijuana requires work for the rest of their lives to avoid and move past temptation.

Committing to abstain from marijuana use every morning might seem like a somewhat easy thing to do. But people who use marijuana to sleep, work, or stave off anxiety often find that abstinence is hard. The Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment has published studies that show that 71% or more of adults who completely abstain from marijuana relapse during the first six months. Many people take the first step by going through detox or joining a support group. But relapse becomes a big worry as temptations slowly begin to present themselves.

The statistics and facts might appear disheartening and make many people wonder how they can be sober permanently. At Free by the Sea, we believe that the answer lies in a targeted recovery program tailored to each individual that moves well beyond treating the side effects of marijuana addiction. Our treatment cuts to the root of the problem and includes ongoing support. With the proper treatment and an open mind, it is possible to remain free from marijuana use permanently.

What Is Marijuana Abuse?

Generally, marijuana abuse is classified as using the substance even though it has a negative effect on other facets of the individuals’ lives, such as their personal relationships and careers. As the risky behavior continues, marijuana abuse can lead to addiction, so the individuals have trouble waking up and getting through a day without using it. Over the long term, substance abuse can increase your chance of moving on to more dangerous, addictive, and stronger drugs and substances.

signs of marijuana abuse

Why Is Marijuana Addiction So Hard to Overcome?

When any mind-altering and body-altering substance is used for a long period, some level of dependency can form. After individuals try to stop using marijuana without the appropriate assistance, they could experience side effects for the first week or two before the symptoms of withdrawal subside.

Some of the most common side effects of withdrawal are the following:

  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Loss of appetite
  • Inexplicable and sudden mood swings
  • An intense desire to smoke marijuana, drink alcohol or use other drugs

What Are the Signs of Marijuana Abuse?

If you think someone close to you is having trouble with an addiction to marijuana or is abusing the substance, there are several common signs that you can look for, such as the following:

  • Chronic cough
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Hunger or “munchies”
  • Respiratory problems
  • Anxiety and paranoia
  • Lying about marijuana use
  • Drug-related legal problems
  • Distorted perception of reality
  • Trouble keeping relationships
  • A decline in work or school performance
  • Neglecting work, school, or personal responsibilities
  • Participating in behaviors that are considered risky, such as driving under the influence

What Is Marijuana Dependency (Marijuana Addiction)?

Over the years, addictions have become classified as mental illnesses that physically change the mind and body. Individuals who are addicted to marijuana go out of their way to acquire and use the substance even though doing so is causing damage to their lives and the lives of the people around them. The four symptoms common with marijuana addiction are as follows:

  • Intense Cravings — Individuals will have cravings to use marijuana anytime they are not high.
  • Loss of Control — They cannot stop using the substance without help.
  • Tolerance — Addicts have to use more and more marijuana to achieve the same high.
  • Physical Dependence — They are unable to function as normal unless they have used the substance recently, and they will experience symptoms of withdrawal when they are not high.

A lack of willpower is not what prevents people from stopping marijuana use. The illness they are dealing with is serious and requires professional assistance and treatment to overcome.

What Are the Risk Factors of Marijuana Addiction?

No matter how old someone is, what gender they are, whether they’re black, hispanic, caucassion, a marijuana addiction can develop in anyone. Nobody is safe from the potential sting of addiction. There are, however, other risk factors that could influence a marijuana addiction. Some of these include the following:

  • Family history of substance abuse
  • Growing up in a dysfunctional home
  • Having a positive first experience with drug use, such as euphoria
  • History of substance abuse
  • Low self-esteem
  • Ongoing peer pressure
  • Previous trauma such as sexual or physical abuse

It’s imperative to remind oneself in this regard that experiencing one of these risk factors won’t necessarily lead to marijuana addiction. In other words, these risk factors and marijuana addiction are not dependent on one another to exist. In contrast, there are a number of different factors that lead to an individual becoming addicted to marijuana, or any substance for that matter.

There’s no algorithm or combination of risk factors that will make a person addicted; there are, however, scenarios that make the possibility of developing an addiction more likely. That being said, those who find themselves in the initial stages of addiction as a result of these risk factors (or even those who don’t) should seek help.

What Is Marijuana Abuse Treatment?

person with marijuana addictionTreatment for marijuana abuse involves a system that quickly and permanently puts a stop to the use of marijuana. Outpatient and residential programs involve a range of options such as learning life skills, group therapy, stress management, relapse prevention techniques, and one-on-one counseling. Most individuals who are abusing marijuana will join an outpatient program that offers a customized plan based on the severity of their addiction and their history.

Treatment Options

There are many options for treatment that exist for marijuana addiction. These different methods of care allow an individual to recover at their own pace. Getting the help you need is imperative, but doing so on an individualized basis is even more important.

Some individuals may benefit more from an inpatient program due to the severity of their addiction; others may require detox because they’re having a hard time being weaned off of substances. This is why at Free By The Sea, we value individualized care. Some addiction treatment options include the following:

Why Choose Free by the Sea?

marijuana addiction treatment in washingtonWith a beautiful campus located on the Long Beach Peninsula, the community at Free By The Sea is a team of dedicated professionals treating patients with love and understanding. Not only that, but there’s a great deal of dignity and respect that goes along with the culture at Free By The Sea. Our ultimate goal is to provide patients with the utmost in professional care when it comes to addiction treatment.

For those who walk through the doors of our treatment facilities, it is imperative that they are evaluated with the utmost respect and dignity we have to offer. This means evaluating each patient’s individual needs and catering their treatment towards them; this is the foundation of our approach. There are practices we utilize that have been deemed successful through extensive research that we’ve done. Some of these practices and resources include our various addiction treatment programs, as well as, therapy and counseling with licensed mental health therapists.

We offer dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR). Free by the Sea provides mental health services for individuals suffering from co-occurring disorders. We also offer trauma-informed care, working to assist our clients who are experiencing the negative effects of trauma. Our team strives to provide care and treatment for those who suffer from depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and relationship problems in addition to substance abuse.

Individuals who come to our beautiful Washington addiction rehab facility can expect to experience quality care and treatment. We are here to serve and help our clients as they work to move forward in their lives.

Reach Out to Free by the Sea Today

Substance use disorder is a difficult burden to carry, but it doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. There are plenty of individuals at Free By The Sea who want to come alongside you and encourage you to fight the good fight. When addiction is left untreated, there are a vast array of consequences that accompany it.

Our individualized approach will help those looking for a new start increase their likelihood of successful treatment. We want to help make a positive difference in the lives of those who need it. If you or a loved one are suffering from addiction and would like to find out more or discuss your treatment options, you can contact us here.

Contact Free by the Sea

Located in the State of Washington, Free by the Sea is recognized across the United States as a treatment center with the tools to assist marijuana addicts with recovery. Feel free to contact us today to see how our staff can help.