Alcohol Rehab in the State of Washington

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Many people don’t think about the legal, social, and health problems that alcohol brings until it’s too late. Alcohol can cause a number of negative effects on your body and mind. Alcoholism alone can cost you your family and livelihood. Over time, the effects of alcoholism only continue to worsen.

But, thankfully, individuals who are struggling with alcoholism can work to overcome this issue. Professional help is sometimes necessary to help people achieve long-term sobriety and recover from this crippling condition. Through alcohol addiction rehab, individuals can find their way to true freedom.

What is Alcohol Addiction?

man with alcohol addiction sitting in couchOccasional drinking is quite common in many cultures. Social events, parties, and special occasions typically involve drinking. However, if a person begins drinking in excess (and begins to binge drink), there may be a bigger issue. Alcoholism is more severe than simply drinking here and there. It’s about the amount of alcohol a person drinks and how often they do so.

Excessive and frequent drinking can affect a person’s entire life negatively. Not only does it affect a person’s body and mind but it also affects the person’s relationships, school, and work. Problems most often begin to manifest in the form of family arguments at home. Problems then start to cross into their jobs, which could result in job losses or the inability to find work. Some individuals have difficulty arriving on time or simply showing up.

There are some short-term effects of constant drinking and there are long-term more severe consequences. When alcohol interferes with day-to-day responsibilities, a person is abusing alcohol. While the person may not be an alcoholic yet, the progressive nature of the disease means that the person is following a well-laid path toward alcoholism. It is best to begin seeking addiction treatment before severe alcohol addiction sets in.

The Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction

There are a number of negative consequences of alcohol addiction and excessive drinking. One may notice several negative effects and changes in a person’s behavior. It is important to look out for these signs so you can act fast and get help. The more you wait, the more you are opening up the door for worse outcomes.

Some of the warning signs of alcohol addiction are the following:

  • Alcohol-related legal trouble
  • Lying about drinking habits
  • Isolation from family and friends
  • Missing important deadlines and dates
  • Declining school or work performance
  • Drinking to relieve stress, relax, or feel better
  • Difficulty maintaining relationships with others
  • Blackouts or memory loss when drinking alcohol
  • Neglecting home, school, or work responsibilities
  • Participating in high-risk behavior such as drunk driving or sexual promiscuity under the influence of alcohol

They may feel guilty about their drinking habits to the point where they may want to stop. Unfortunately, as much as they try they are unable to break free. If this is the case, then a professional treatment provider like Free by the Sea can help you.

Short-Term Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse

There are many short and long-term effects of alcoholism. These symptoms are usually uncomfortable and include some kind of impairment. These can lead to unpredictable and dangerous circumstances like injury or death. Some of the short-term effects of alcohol misuse include the following:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Cravings
  • Blackouts
  • Dizziness
  • Slurred speech
  • Lack of coordination
  • Risky and aggressive behavior

While these may be temporary they can still cause a number of problems down the line. Some of these can also appear if a person has become dependent on alcohol to function.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can begin to appear over time. When an individual begins working to stop drinking alcohol, he or she may begin experiencing the following withdrawal symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Anxiety
  • Sweating
  • Irritability
  • Nervousness
  • Clammy skin
  • Mood swings
  • Unclear thinking
  • Increased heart rate
  • Appetite loss
  • Headaches

Individuals who are trying to give up a drinking problem may also experience more severe symptoms of withdrawal. They may have hallucinations or show signs of intense confusion. Some people also deal with nightmares, tremors, fever, or even seizures when withdrawing from alcohol use.

These symptoms are why detox is often the first part of the recovery process. Individuals can receive medical professional treatment advice and guidance to work through these uncomfortable symptoms. This can help to prevent relapse from happening. Many treatment centers offer medical detox to patients who are beginning the treatment process. As a certified addiction treatment provider in Washington State, Free by the Sea works to put our patients in contact with detox centers that can help them get through the initial withdrawal phase.

Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Abuse

As a person’s uncontrolled drinking continues so does their chance of contracting diseases and other severe health complications. Over time a person will develop a number of possibly life-threatening conditions. As a person’s tolerance goes up the more they may begin to drink. This is why it is so important to get help and begin fighting alcoholism before things become dire.

Long-term health effects of alcoholism include:

  • Liver disease
  • Bone damage
  • Eye conditions
  • Digestive problems
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Severe heart problems
  • Weakened immune systems
  • Risky behavior (personal injury or even death)

It is imperative to get help from a treatment facility for alcohol before it’s too late. Death and alcohol poisoning are just two of the most severe consequences of untreated alcoholism. This is why it is so important to get help from a facility that offers alcohol use disorder treatment.

Alcoholism Statistics

Alcoholism continues to be an alarming problem in countries across the globe. Millions of people are struggling with a drinking problem and this problem only continues to rise. Battling alcoholism is not easy but when looking at the numbers, it is necessary. The following stats are from The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA):

  • In 2019, 25.8% of people ages 18 and older said that they had engaged in binge drinking in the past month.
  • Of these individuals, 29.7% were men and 22.2% were women.
  • 6.3% of the individuals in this age group (18 and older) reported that they had experienced heavy alcohol use within the past month.

Reaching out to substance abuse treatment providers can be challenging. Many people do not get the help they need because of the fear that often accompanies asking for help. But alcohol rehab centers like ours here at Free by the Sea specialize in treating alcoholism. We exist to make treatment options available to those who need them. And we are here to make recovery a reality for our patients.

At our treatment facility, you will not be met with judgment. You will find a kind and compassionate staff that is ready to help you overcome addiction. Going through alcohol rehab is far from easy. It comes with its challenges and difficulties. But our mission is to help you overcome every obstacle in your way. As a trustworthy treatment provider, our substance use disorder treatment center is here for you!

What Is Alcohol Rehab?

Sometimes, help from rehab centers like Free by the Sea is necessary to reach effective recovery. Alcohol rehab at Free by the Sea is a powerful, evidence-proven method of cutting the ties of alcoholism. During alcohol treatment, the underlying causes of substance abuse are brought to the surface and directly addressed through treatment. Problems with alcohol use disorder (AUD) can be both physical and psychological.

Our alcohol treatment program aims to overcome those issues in three phases: alcohol detox, counseling, and aftercare. Alcohol detox may come in the form of medication-assisted treatment using alcohol treatment medications to help with alcohol withdrawal. The medical detox process confronts the physical aspects of the addiction while counseling addresses the psychological components and aftercare assists in correcting the social perspective and maintaining sobriety.

PLEASE NOTE: Free by the Sea DOES NOT provide medical detox services. We recommend outside detox services and provide recovery after the detox is complete.

Why Seek Alcohol Rehabilitation?

Since the American Medical Association classified alcoholism as a chronic and progressive disease in the 1960s, treatment approaches have changed significantly. Alcoholism can lead to high blood pressure, gastrointestinal disorders, cirrhosis of the liver, insufficient blood cell production, and cardiac disease when it is not treated.

The disease and the issues associated with it do not simply disappear — rehabilitation is necessary. At Free by the Sea, we assist people who are having trouble with alcoholism in a caring, non-judgmental, and professional manner. The facility provides a place for struggling individuals to heal, recover, and defeat the disease so they can re-establish themselves.

Who Can Benefit from Alcohol Rehab?

Alcohol rehab is beneficial for all individuals who struggle with alcohol misuse. This includes:

Here at Free by the Sea, we offer a rehab program that can help any adult who is struggling to overcome substance abuse. We can help men and women work through lingering withdrawal symptoms and assist them in the recovery process.

Treatment for Co-Occurring Alcoholism and Mental Health Disorders

In many cases, people who suffer from addiction also struggle with the effects of mental health disorders. For instance, some individuals who suffer from alcohol use disorders may also have eating disorders or clinical depression. When it comes to recovery efforts and treatment options, it is absolutely necessary to find help through a dual diagnosis program.

Dual diagnosis treatment programs address addiction and mental disorders simultaneously. Instead of focusing on only one of the co-occurring disorders, these treatment programs help individuals deal with both disorders.

This simultaneous treatment is important because it prevents people from continuing to suffer from one issue while working to overcome another. After all, alcohol addiction can intensify pre-existing mental disorders. Dual diagnosis programs offer mental health treatment along with drug and alcohol rehab.

So, individuals who are in need of an alcohol rehab program and mental health services can find hope. Addiction treatment programs that include mental health services provide hope and healing to those with co-existing disorders.

Treating Alcoholism with Free by the Sea

alcohol addiction treatment

At Free by the Sea, we offer comprehensive treatment programs for alcohol dependence and addiction. There are many different ways to treat alcoholism with the use of detox, psychotherapy, and outpatient treatment. We offer up to 77 treatment beds and a professional well-trained staff that’ll be by your side every step of the way.

Let’s take a look at some of the common ways alcoholism is treated at Free by the Sea. While some of these may work better than others, it’s important to get help regardless of preference. Some alcohol rehab programs may include the following:

  • Residential Treatment – Inpatient or residential treatment is recommended for severe cases of addiction and alcoholism. While in an inpatient treatment program, individuals live in a safe and substance-free rehab center. Inpatient rehab enables people to have 24/7 access to medical assistance and treatment resources. Residential treatment may also include inpatient detox at some drug and alcohol treatment centers.
  • Intensive Outpatient Treatment – This substance use treatment program is great for those who have prior obligations and don’t want to live in a residential treatment center. While in an IOP, individuals can still take part in therapy and other treatment components. The length and elements of an IOP will depend on the specific treatment provider a person enters.
  • Detoxification – Detox is often the first step in alcohol and drug addiction treatment. It is a common treatment method that rids the body of alcohol or drugs before the real treatment begins. Detox is usually essential and recommended for every case of addiction. Free by the Sea does not provide detox services but we can provide you with recommendations and full comprehensive treatment afterward.
  • 12-Step Programs (AA) – 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous are some of the most widely used forms of alcoholism treatment. Sticking to a 12-step program and sticking to meetings can be highly beneficial for battling alcoholism.
  • Relapse Prevention and Skills – Free by the Sea offer many techniques and tips to battling alcoholism and preventing relapse down the line. It’s one thing finishing treatment and a whole other road staying sober in the long-term.

These treatment options are typically accompanied by therapeutic approaches. Common types of psychotherapy include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Therapy can come in various forms and take place in many different settings. Individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, and other methods are available for those in need of support and guidance.

Contact Free by the Sea Today!

Battling alcoholism is not easy but doing nothing can be extremely dangerous. At Free by the Sea, our treatment facility offers a wide variety of great treatment methods for you. Not only do we help to better your physical health through alcohol addiction treatment, but we also focus on improving your mental health. We understand the negative impact addiction has on one’s emotional, physical, and mental health. So, allow us to walk with you during your recovery process.

Our alcohol rehab program can help you address the underlying causes of addiction in your life. It can also help you to discover more about triggers and what may lead to relapse. This will help you to learn how to avoid these triggers or address them in a healthy way. Alcohol rehab offers you a chance — a chance to live a life beyond addiction.

You don’t have to continue fighting alcohol or drug abuse alone. Our drug and alcohol rehab programs can help you find the freedom you so truly deserve. Let us help you towards a better life. Contact us today to learn more about alcoholism treatment and other addiction resources.