Prescription Drug Rehab in Washington

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Second only to marijuana, prescription medication is one of the most commonly abused drugs in the United States. More and more teens and young adults are using prescription medications for recreational purposes, a disconcerting trend for parents and health professionals alike.

Opioids such as Vicodin, Lortab, and Percocet are among the most commonly abused medications, with sedatives such as Xanax and Ambien coming in a close second. Even ADHD medications such as Ritalin and Adderall are commonly abused substances. Free by the Sea, located in the beautiful State of Washington, provides prescription drug rehab services to people of all ages who are struggling with prescription drug addiction.

Serving the Nation, based in the Pacific Northwest

Prescription medications serve valuable and often life-saving roles in healthcare. When used as directed, the medications relieve pain and treat a number of conditions to provide overall health and well-being. However, when misused, prescription medications can be extremely dangerous. Large doses can cause serious physical damage and even death in extreme situations.

Prescription drug abuse is defined as taking physician-prescribed medications in a manner for which the medication was not intended. Some individuals take them for recreational or non-medical purposes while others take medications prescribed for someone else. In some cases, the prescription is even taken as directed. However, if the body starts to grow a dependency on the medication and builds a tolerance as well, that can lead to the person having to take more than they are supposed to.

If you have witnessed these behaviors in yourself or in a loved one, you should seek or encourage help as soon as possible. Free by the Sea is experienced in helping individuals who suffer from prescription drug addiction, and our caring staff helps them regain control and lead happy and successful lives.

What Is Prescription Drug Abuse?


Any use of prescription medication that alters a person’s way of life, whether at home, work, or school, with family and friends, or with intimate relationships, is prescription drug abuse. Although taking more medication than prescribed or even taking someone else’s medication are good indicators of abuse, a person can be abusing prescription medications without these signs. Painkillers, sedatives, and stimulants are the most widely abused medications, and if the addiction continues, declining health and overall well-being can result.

Prescription drug abuse can affect all types of people from all walks of life, including children and teens. In fact, studies have shown that more than 18 million people 12 years of age and older have used prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons in the past 12 months. That’s more than 6% of the U.S. population.

Abusing drugs can change how the brain works. While most people start by choosing to take these medications, over time the changes in the brain affect self-control and the ability to make good decisions. The brain also convinces the person that they need drugs in order to continue to go about their daily lives.

What Are the Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse?

The following signs and symptoms may indicate prescription drug abuse:

  • Poor performance at school or work overtime
  • Neglecting schoolwork, job duties, or responsibilities to the household
  • Loss of interest in responsibilities or hobbies
  • Isolation from friends and family
  • Sudden unexplained health issues
  • Risky behaviors, which include but are not limited to driving while intoxicated or promiscuity
  • Declining health of relationships with friends, family, and significant others
  • Legal trouble for drug-related crimes
  • Denial of drug use or lying about drug use
  • Continued drug use even when faced with severe negative consequences

What Is Prescription Drug Abuse Treatment?

Prescription drug rehab is a structured program designed to help individuals decrease and eliminate their dependency on prescription medications. The program usually involves counseling either on or off-site. Individuals who participate in drug abuse treatment receive stress management, diet management, life skills, coping techniques, and relapse prevention treatment custom-designed for their unique needs. With these combined efforts, clients are more likely to benefit from outpatient treatments.

Before beginning prescription drug rehab, you first have to undergo detox treatment in order to rid your body of the harmful substances. It is important to undergo detox in either a dedicated detox facility, a treatment facility that also provides detox, or a medical facility. Due to the way the body reacts to the detox process, it is imperative that it be done under the observation of licensed medical professionals. Self-detoxing can be incredibly dangerous and even life-threatening.

What Is Prescription Drug Dependency (Prescription Drug Addiction)?

Prescription drug dependency is a physical and/or mental dependency on a medication. While abusing drugs can lead to dependency, some people become dependent while using medications as prescribed, thus demonstrating the powerful effects of the drugs over a person’s physical and emotional well-being.

The four major symptoms of prescription drug dependency are as follows:

  • Physical dependency – A person is unable to function normally without the drug, indicating chemical alterations have occurred in the brain. When the individual does not have access to the drugs, uncomfortable and often painful withdrawal symptoms occur.
  • Tolerance – Individuals become used to the effects of the medication, so they need more to achieve the same effects.
  • Loss of self-control – Individuals often find it hard to stop taking a medication because they enjoy the effects.
  • Cravings – The drug is so desirable the individual becomes preoccupied and has an overwhelming urge to take it.

Many have a false belief that when people take medications prescribed to them by doctors, they are doing so safely, and there is no need for concern regarding addiction and dependency. The unfortunate truth is that addiction to prescription medications is possible even when the drugs are used exactly as directed. Drugs like painkillers and sedatives tend to be the most addictive, and professional treatment is often necessary to break the dangerous dependency cycle.

Dependency and abuse can even be fatal if not treated. The good news is that prescription drug addiction is not a matter of willpower or self-control. Rather, addiction is a psychological and often physical dependence can be treated and successfully managed.

What Are the Risk Factors for Prescription Drug Addiction?

Although addiction does not single out any one individual or group based on race, social status, age, gender, or religion, some risk factors predispose certain people to prescription drug addiction.

  • A previous history of addiction
  • A history of abuse, whether emotional, physical or sexual in nature
  • Feelings of indifference or a positive attitude toward drugs and alcohol
  • Dysfunctional family life, particularly during childhood
  • Family members, particularly parents, who are dependent on drugs or alcohol
  • Peer pressure
  • Certain mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, or psychosis
  • Difficult relationships with friends and family

Dozens of factors contribute to prescription drug addiction, and even people who have no risk factors at all may become addicted. If you notice any of these signs in yourself, or in someone you care about, please take the first step and consider treatment at Free by the Sea.

How to Recover from Prescription Drug Abuse

A doctor should monitor recovery at all times to control withdrawal symptoms and monitor the individual’s risk for relapse. Individuals experience withdrawal in different severities depending on the drug that was used, the amount that was taken, and the length of time the drug was used. Prescription drug rehab can take some time – often up to several weeks – but issues such as the person’s health and unique response to withdrawal and recovery determine this timeframe.

Why Choose Free by the Sea?

Located on the Long Beach Peninsula in Ocean Park, WA, Free by the Sea is committed to getting those suffering from prescription drug abuse the help that they need. Our dedicated treatment professionals treat every person that walks in our doors with the dignity and respect that they deserve.

We know that nobody chooses to get addicted to prescription drugs, which is why we offer them a safe and supportive environment for them to get the help that they need.  We adhere to evidence-based practices that are focused on successful outcomes for long term recovery. Services provided include:

  • A staff of experienced and certified addiction treatment professionals including certified Substance Abuse Counselors and licensed Mental Health Therapists.
  • Support groups, including a variety of 12-step programs.
  • Full service kitchen serving nutritionally designed meals.
  • Sports and recreation facilities including volleyball & basketball courts and an exercise & fitness room.
  • A beautiful and peaceful backdrop of the Pacific Ocean.
  • 77 treatment beds.
  • Residential, partial hospitalziation, and intensive outpatient treatment programs.
  • Specialized treatment programs focusing on gambling, depression, anxiety, self-esteem, and relationships.
  • Relapse Prevention, Life Skills, and Addiction Education sessions

Do You Need Prescription Drug Rehab?

Addiction not only affects the person that is suffering, but it affects those around them as well. At Free by the Sea, we know that nobody wants to be at the mercy of prescription medications. If you or someone you know is suffering from a prescription drug addiction or any other type of addiction, you shouldn’t have to suffer for even another day. Contact us today to learn more about the treatment programs that we offer, including prescription drug rehab.