Contingency Management Therapy in Washington

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Contingency management therapy is a highly-effective treatment that provides the natural determination to achieve recovery. Free by the Sea utilizes this treatment to keep your desire for sobriety fresh and renewed in recovery and beyond. The following information provides everything you need to know about contingent management therapy treatment and its unmatchable benefits.

What is Contingent Management Therapy?

Contingent management therapy is an incentive-based treatment that rewards patients for accomplishing positive sobriety goals or actions. This means for each goal or positive sobriety trend, the patient receives a reward for each achievement. These rewards are solely based on your deepest desires and can be just about anything, as long as it’s something that triggers your determination. Here is how CM, otherwise known as motivational incentives, is made effective as a recovery treatment method.

What is the History of Incentive-Based Treatment?

B.F. Skinner first produced the contingency management theory that is the foundational basis for this effective treatment. His studies found a direct link between rewarding good behavior and the natural progress of rehabilitation treatment. His research, however, went beyond simply rewarding good behavior.

He found a neuronic connection between the incentive-based process. He found that providing incentives for positive behaviors produced habitual responses in conjunction with neuronic bonds. This means rewarding good behavior exercises your mental neurons into formulating habits. Contrarily, punishing negative activity, aka no incentives, likewise forms impulsive awareness to help you naturally refrain from negative actions.

contingency management

How Does Motivational Incentives Work as an Addiction Treatment?

Many people struggling with substance abuse have been discouraged by repetitive letdowns such as relapse and the inability to stop using. This, in turn, becomes the greatest detriment to their thought process and determination. Providing incentives for good behavior can be a game-changer in this regard. Here are a few of the key components that makes contingent management therapy work as a therapy treatment method.

Re-establish Positive Thinking

As alluded to in the intro, a positive thought process is often lacking in those who embark on addiction recovery. Incentive-based treatment is medically proven to have a positive impact on neuronic activity, thus reinforcing the mental positivity that was once lacking. These positive thought processes are the foundation for getting your life back on track. Your sobriety goals and status are more achievable and independently sustainable when you maintain positive mental fortitude. Regain your positivity by reaching out to Free by the Sea recovery experts today.

Vouchers for Behavior and Recovery Progress

Therapists provide vouchers as a motivational tactic to help you grow in your recovery. Vouchers are redeemable tickets for numerous activities for food, entertainment, and more. This is one of many ways motivational incentives work in conjunction with therapy treatment programs.

Prizes and Raffles

Similar to vouchers, therapists may issue tickets for prizes and raffle drawings. The more positive behaviors, the more tickets a patient will receive, thus creating a higher likelihood of receiving one or more prizes. This gives recovery patients the extra motivation and desire they need to overcome their strongholds.

Special Privileges

One of the greatest incentives in reward-based therapy is the special privileges allotted for achieving personal recovery goals. These special privileges cover numerous freedoms within your rehabilitation sector and are available for anyone who shows rehabilitation progress. Connect with an informative receptionist to learn about the freedoms you could earn at Free by the Sea.

What Types of Addictions and Health Conditions Does CM Treat?

Most addiction therapies benefit tremendously from CM treatment. Nearly all addiction struggles can be improved and overcome thanks to its effective methods. That’s because reward-based treatment makes patients more likely to follow the rules, and medication schedules, and meet recovery goals. The following are the most common substance abuse condition beneficiaries in recovery.

Alcohol Addiction

CM provides numerous benefits and positives for people struggling with alcohol. The positive reinforcement implemented by CM helps alcohol-dependent individuals find their motivation to overcome their strongholds. This can therapeutically help ease withdrawal symptoms by keeping their mind focused on things besides alcohol indulgence. It can also help alcohol strugglers overcome withdrawal symptoms by keeping them mentally honed and motivated on other productive tasks.

Drug Addiction

All forms of drug addiction come with negative withdrawals and bouts of discouragement and depression. That’s where incentive-based therapy can help change the mental approach of someone struggling with drug addiction. The positive mental fortitude CM has to offer gives substance strugglers an encouraging mindset. Furthermore, it proactively helps replace the desire to indulge with the desire to achieve change. Give us a call to learn more about how CM can be a game-changer for your drug addiction rehab.

Mental Health Conditions

More than just addiction struggles, reward-driven therapy can also help some mental health conditions and their symptoms. That’s because CM, like mental health struggles, begins with transforming the mind. While mental health conditions produce unrelenting cycles of negative thoughts, CM spawns motivational factors and positives that would otherwise be absent. These, in turn, encourage mental health sufferers to exercise their mental fortitude.

What are the Different Types of CM Therapy Programs?

CM therapy comes in different shapes and sizes that vary by the individual’s personal incentive effectiveness. That’s why Free by the Sea offers a number of different incentive therapy programs. Reach out to a recovery expert today to see which of the following treatment plans is right for you.

Total Abstinence Incentives

This type of CM therapy revolves around frequent drug testing and accountability to help the individual refrain from drug use. This process is directly correlated between your social worker and personal therapist. In this CM therapy, the incentive-based therapy would be rewarded for passing drug tests, and screenings, and maintaining complete sobriety. The frequency of tests and screenings is determined as needed by your therapy specialist.

Participation Incentives

This form of CM therapy rewards attendance to group therapy sessions and individual therapy sessions. In addition, overall participation in these meetings and active involvement to help others in recovery are taken into account. Your active involvement in your recovery community will dictate your incentive achievements.

How To Gain Access to Contingency Management Therapy

CM treatment is a great starting point to help you begin therapy on the right track and continue toward the next stages. Thankfully, Free by the Sea offers a variety of CM treatment programs made just for you. To gain access to this treatment, simply reach out to a caring receptionist today to begin the process.

contingency management therapy

What are the 7 Core Principles of Contingency Management

Incentive-based treatment is more than just rewarding for good behavior. There are 7 core principles utilized by trained professionals to achieve therapy progress at each stage of treatment. These 7 focuses are designed to well-round your recovery in every aspect of your treatment.

Behavioral Focus

Reward-based treatment begins by focusing on the foundation of your struggle by targeting the behaviors that need the most change. These behaviors become the focused alterations for your therapist and mental training. These targeted behaviors become not just the foundation of your therapist’s sessions, but the basis of your incentive rewards.

Circumstantial Focus

Everybody requires a different set of unique circumstances and support to achieve recovery. Getting to know you enable doctors to surround you with a fitting environment to help you thrive in your recovery. This means, your strengths, weaknesses, and personality determine the support team and atmosphere doctors surround you with.

Incentive Focus

This principle focuses on identifying the most effective individualized incentives that are most likely to encourage positive results. Doctors identify these incentives by getting to know your deepest desires and enjoyments. They also help you find new hobbies and joys you never knew you had. Discover your motivation by connecting with our team of compassionate professionals.

Incentive Amount

The amount of incentives necessary for rehabilitation progress varies by individual. That’s because too little can be less effective for some, while too much can be equally counterproductive for others. That’s why finding the proper incentive amount is as important, if not more so than the incentive type.

Incentive Frequency

A vital part of the rehabilitation process in relation to contingency management treatment is determining incentive frequency. Incentive frequency is largely dependent on your assessment and where you are at in your recovery. Shorter-term goals are more applicable to the early stages of recovery while longer-term goals are more applicable for individuals farther along in rehab.

Incentive Application and Behavioral Monitoring

The key to this principle is having a close incentive to behavioral monitoring. This ensures the proper timing of incentive application in correlation with behavioral progress. This principle is administered at the discretion and guidance of a therapy specialist.

Incentive Duration

This is a variable principle that determines the length of which incentive-based treatment will be administered. Typically durations are set at 3-month intervals. At the conclusion of the determinedly fixed duration, physicians will reassess whether or not incentive-based treatment is necessary.

Free by the Sea Has Individualized Incentive-Based Therapy Meant Just for You

what is contingency management

Free by the Sea is dedicated to providing the most individualized treatment meticulously engineered to meet your needs. You’ll find just the therapy you need to get yourself back on track. A single click or call can change your life. That next life-altering call could be you reaching out to our team of compassionate professionals who are eager to be there for you.