Category: Uncategorized

10 Ideas To Help You Stay Sober During The Holidays

For many, the holidays are a time of family, friends, and binging – whether that be cookies, Netflix shows, or alcohol. You have time off work, the food and booze is flowing, and the people...

Addiction Due to Trauma in One’s Life

Many people believe that genetics decides who becomes an addict. While genetics do play a role in how quickly a person can become addicted, more and more studies are proving that addiction is a direct...

A Family Disease: 3 Ways Addiction Impacts Your Family

Did you know addiction is a family disease? While it is easy to talk about the effects that addiction has on the addict, the impact it has on your entire family can easily be overlooked....

Sobriety During The Holidays

The holidays should be a time of relaxation, mirth, and love—the one time of the year that is meant for spending time with family and friends. However, for someone who is struggling with alcoholism or...


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The Power of Positive Thinking in Recovery

The holidays should be a time of relaxation,...

Risk Factors for Substance Abuse

The holidays should be a time of relaxation,...

April is Alcohol Awareness Month

The holidays should be a time of relaxation,...

The Dangers of Mixing Xanax and Alcohol

The holidays should be a time of relaxation,...