Category: Drug Abuse

Job-Related Stress and Addiction: How Work Burnout Can Lead to Substance Abuse

In the United States, people spend a lot of time at work. Some figures even claim that we spend up to a third of our lives on our careers. That time spent at work may...

Postpartum Depression and Alcohol Abuse

Postpartum Depression and Alcohol Abuse With the birth of a new baby comes many changes in a mother's life. Postpartum depression can be one of those changes. In fact, up to 20% of women experience...

Recognizing the Most Common Characteristics of an Alcoholic

Personality is one of many factors that can influence a person’s likelihood of becoming addicted to alcohol. But the phrase “characteristics of an alcoholic” refers to something else. This phrase refers to the personality traits...

The Dangerous Effects of Mixing Drugs and Alcohol

There are many reasons why someone may begin mixing alcohol with drugs. Alcohol can increase the effects of certain drugs, making mixing an enticing choice for people looking to get “high”. For others, they may...

Cocaine and Memory Loss: What’s the Connection?

Cocaine is not only an addictive drug but it can also be extremely dangerous. There are many short-term and long-term effects of cocaine use. One of the main effects of cocaine is memory loss. Cocaine...


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Risk Factors for Substance Abuse

Cocaine is not only an addictive drug but...

April is Alcohol Awareness Month

Cocaine is not only an addictive drug but...

The Dangers of Mixing Xanax and Alcohol

Cocaine is not only an addictive drug but...

What is High Functioning Depression?

Cocaine is not only an addictive drug but...

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