
calendar Dec 22, 2016 By Dr. Richard Crabbe

10 Ideas To Help You Stay Sober During The Holidays

For many, the holidays are a time of family, friends, and binging – whether that be cookies, Netflix shows, or alcohol. You have time off work, the food and booze is flowing, and the people around you are doing the same. So for people in recovery, ...

calendar Sep 12, 2016 By Dr. Richard Crabbe

Learning To Let Go

One of the most difficult challenges for a loved one or family member who is trying to help someone overcome addictive behavior and its disastrous results – may be the challenge of learning to let go – which is based on the underlying pri...

calendar Aug 12, 2016 By Dr. Richard Crabbe

Treatment for Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a disease that cuts across all social classes, ethnicities, genders, and cultures. Alcohol is generally regarded as a drug which can distort your judgment, reducing an individual’s ability to maintain a rational perspective. Alcoh...

calendar Aug 1, 2016 By Dr. Richard Crabbe

Addiction Due to Trauma in One’s Life

Many people believe that genetics decides who becomes an addict. While genetics do play a role in how quickly a person can become addicted, more and more studies are proving that addiction is a direct result of trauma in a person’s life, most commo...

calendar Jun 1, 2016 By Dr. Richard Crabbe

The Three C’s of Dealing with an Addict

One of the most difficult challenges for anyone struggling with the issue of a loved one suffering from drug addiction is trying to connect with them. It is imperative to stay connected in a positive way that can help to lead your loved one away from...


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