Stimulant Drug Rehab in Washington

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Drug addiction has been one of the most increasing problems that people have to deal with. It is caused by the consumption of high amounts of drugs that one cannot do without them. Most of the drugs that are abused and cause addiction are stimulants, increasing the need for stimulant addiction treatment.

There are some facts about stimulants that many people brush off. It is important to learn facts about stimulants because they can help prevent stimulant abuse. Knowing more about stimulant drugs, how they affect users, and how stimulant addiction develops can be both helpful and necessary. If you or someone you know uses stimulant substances for any reason, now is the time to learn more about the effects of these drugs.

What are Stimulants?

Stimulants are drugs that increase cognitive function and alertness by altering the central nervous system (CNS). Stimulant drugs work by improving concentration and reducing fatigue on those who take them. Some stimulants are prescribed as a treatment, but some are illicit drugs. Those who abuse stimulant drugs may snort them, take them orally, or inject them directly into the bloodstream by using needles.

Common Types of Stimulant Drugs


Cocaine is an illegal drug made from coca tree leaves in the form of a white powder. In the late 1800s, it was used as a therapeutic medication for psychological disorders. However, that was later dismissed due to the drug’s addictive properties.

Those who use cocaine may inhale it, snort it, take it orally, or inject it. Then, the brain and body quickly absorb the drug. It is then distributed through other body tissues. Enzymes in the plasma and liver quickly metabolize it (within 60 minutes). However, cocaine can still be detected in the body 12 hours after being taken.


Commonly known as meth, Methamphetamine is also considered a stimulant drug because of how rapidly it acts. Its effects are seen immediately after smoking it, and they can last for between 4 to 8 hours.

Besides being highly addictive, meth destroys brain cells. If one continues smoking it, it can lead to brain damage. In the 1950s, it helped deal with obesity and depression. In the 1960s, people began using it for recreation.


Nicotine is one of the widely used stimulant drugs. It is mainly found in tobacco cigarettes.

Prescription Stimulants

Among the most known facts about stimulants is that they are not only illicit drugs. In addition to the illicit stimulants, some are prescribed to help with ADHD. However, with little or no supervision, they are often abused. Some of them include:

  • Adderall – It was approved in 1960 and has become the most popular prescribed stimulant.
  • Dexedrine – Also known as Dextroamphetamine, it has been a prescribed stimulant since 1976. Although it is usually used to treat ADHD, it was used by special forces and the military air during fatigue missions.
  • Ritalin – Approved for treating hyperactive children in 1955, Ritalin is methylphenidate. That makes it different from Adderall and Dexedrine.
  • Concerta – It is not a common drug since its approval was in 2000, and is used to treat ADHD. It is considered an extended version of Ritalin.
  • Desoxyn – Introduced in 1947, Desoxyn is a prescription methamphetamine, and it was the first prescription medication for obesity. It is also useful in the treatment of ADHD.
  • Ephedrine – It is mostly used as an appetite suppressant and bronchodilator for asthma patients.
  • Caffeine, which is found in tea, coffee, cocoa, and chocolate, is also considered a stimulant substance.

One of the facts about stimulants is that they increase the level of activeness in a person. Prescription stimulants are commonly used to treat narcolepsy and ADHD. They increase energy, attention, and alertness in patients. They are also used to treat other conditions like obesity, blood pressure, and asthma.

But, due to the effects of stimulants, many people develop a dependence on them. As a result, they may begin to abuse stimulant substances. Eventually, this dependence and abuse can develop into an addiction, introducing the need for stimulant addiction treatment.

How Do Stimulants Affect The Body And Brain?

Stimulants affect the mind and body by increasing the level of some chemicals in the brain and body. They increase activities of dopamine and norepinephrine, which are brain chemicals called “neurotransmitters”.

Norepinephrine affects heart rate, blood pressure, blood vessels, breathing, and blood sugar. Dopamine reinforces a person’s rewarding behaviors. Stimulant drugs increase energy, alertness, and attention while at the same time. When individuals use them excessively or abuse them, they will experience some short-term and long-term side effects.

Short-Term and Long-Term Effects Of Stimulants

Among the known facts about stimulants is that they have effects when abused or used in large doses. They can either be mild and short-term or severe and long-term.

short and long term effects of stimulants

Short-Term Effects

  • Panic
  • Nausea
  • Lost appetite
  • Nervousness
  • Dilated pupils
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Bizarre and violent behavior
  • Irritability, hallucinations, and hyperexcitability
  • Increased blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature

Long-Term Effects

  • Psychosis
  • Depression
  • Brain damage
  • Weight loss or malnutrition
  • Kidney, liver, and lung damage
  • Strokes and heart attacks due to increased blood pressure

Signs And Symptoms Of Stimulant Abuse

Stimulant abuse can lead to very serious health and mental issues. Therefore, understanding the signs of someone who is abusing stimulants is of absolute importance. Some of the signs of stimulant abuse include:

  • Sweating
  • Weight loss
  • Dilated pupils
  • Restlessness
  • Hyperactivity
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mood swings
  • Hyper-focus
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Racing thoughts
  • Increased confidence
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Use of illicit stimulant drugs
  • Anger and aggressive behavior
  • Using more drugs than prescribed
  • Deceptive behavior like stealing or lying
  • Using prescription drugs without a doctor’s prescription

Stimulant Withdrawal Symptoms

Stimulant withdrawal symptoms often occur after addicts stop using stimulants. Anytime someone uses and becomes dependant on any substances considered stimulants drugs, they can have withdrawal symptoms.

The stimulant withdrawal symptoms may start manifesting within either hours or days of not using the stimulants. Some of the stimulant withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Twitching
  • Depression
  • Aches and pains
  • Increased appetite
  • Insomnia or hypersomnia
  • Unpleasant, vivid dreams

Stimulant Addiction Treatment

With all these facts about stimulants, being aware of the available stimulant addiction treatment is key. Stimulant addiction treatment help addicts get past their addictions and maintain recovery. One stimulant addiction treatment varies from the other.

Stimulant addiction treatment available at Feel By The Sea include:

Knowing all the facts about stimulants, any substance that is considered a stimulant drug, stimulant withdrawal signs, and stimulant addiction treatment, it is best to look for a center that will help in recovery.

Stimulant addiction treatment is highly similar to addiction from other drugs. Recovery can be achieved in different timelines through different stimulant addiction treatment approaches, depending on the level of addiction.

Finding a recovery center that will be with you from the beginning to the end of your recovery journey requires research. If you are struggling with your recovery journey, Feel By The Sea is the place you need to visit.

Supportive And Caring Staff

Our supportive and caring staff are the major reason why Free By The Sea is the best recovery center. They are a team of qualified and dedicated professionals who do their best to help our clients and remain professional.

They have a passion for making sure that all our patients leave the center better than they came. Besides, they have a lot of experience in the recovery journey because most are in recovery. That means that they understand everything the patients go through. That makes them the best professionals to help patients get over their addictions. They have the patience and empathy and are free of any judgment.

Fresh And Nutritious Meals

Most of the people struggling with addiction often have a nutritional deficiency. Therefore, to help them in their recovery journey Feel By The Sea ensures they have all the required meals and nutrients. We offer an outfitted, fully modernized, on-site kitchen.

The kitchen has all the meals and snacks that the patients need to help them get out of their old unhealthy habits. We also have specialized menus for patients with special dietary needs. That way, all our patients have their needs well met. In addition to those meals, we also emphasize that our patients exercise. That assists them in achieving and maintaining sobriety.

Great Environment

For the recovery journey to be a successful one, patients have to be in a comfortable environment. At Feel By The Sea, we make sure that our center’s atmosphere is conducive for our patients. There are snacks available, 24/7, laundry facilities, and well-furnished rooms. That makes the patients feel like they are home, and nothing stresses them out. We ensure that our staff is always available. That way, patients will never feel short of advice or support.

Compassionate Counseling

Counseling is one of the main aspects of a recovery journey. With continuous counseling, patients can keep their recovery journey intact. At Feel By The Sea, patients can choose between group therapy or individual counseling sessions. We strive to see that none of our patients relapse in the course of their recovery journey. Besides, advice from people who have been through the same struggles is the best to help get over the addiction.

Finding Help for Stimulant Addiction at Free by the Sea

Dealing with and overcoming a drug addiction can be a big challenge. It affects both the struggling individual and the people around them. However, with the right amount of dedication and support, it is possible to get over addiction.

Still, many of the people suffering from addiction feel alone in their recovery journey. Located in Washington State, Free By the Sea is a recovery center that is a good place to start. We are committed to helping addicts get through their recovery journey. At Free by the Sea, we provide our patients with the information and guidance they need to start and continue on the recovery journey. We have a vision of emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being for all seeking recovery.

Our mission is to give people a chance to have an addiction-free life. We are driven by our goal to meet all clients’ needs to achieve and maintain a drug-free life. We do that by giving them the necessary skills and tools. Our staff is highly qualified in mental health and addiction rehabilitation. They use the evidence-based approach based upon the tried-and-true recovery model. They help patients get rid of their addiction problems and give them advice on how to maintain recovery.

That enables them to help patients heal other problems that may have arisen due to their addiction. We make sure that all clients are treated according to their needs. By the time they leave our center, they will have become better versions of themselves. At Free By The Sea, we tailor our programs to meet our patients’ needs. Customer satisfaction and fully recovered patients are our number one priority. For more information on facts about stimulants or any other recovery process, do not hesitate to contact us.