September is National Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery Month

September is National Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery Month

The dawn of September means it’s time to shed light on drug and alcohol recovery awareness. While every day presents a solemn opportunity to raise awareness about substance rehabilitation, now’s the time to ramp up our efforts. It’s not just another month of community service or something to add to your calendar.

For many, this month will prove to be a matter of life and death. The extra awareness efforts of drug and alcohol recovery awareness month can spare a life from relapse, overdose, and death. The following is Free by the Sea blueprint of what September recovery month is all about and how you can get involved.

What Exactly is Recovery Awareness Month?

Recovery Awareness Month is a time to band together to raise awareness to help those struggling with addiction. It’s also a time to magnify the hardships, efforts, and tolls that substance and alcohol take on the collective family unit. This includes the toll on friendships and relationships as a whole.

All this is intended to promote the greater purpose of drug and alcohol recovery and the importance of receiving treatment. That means doing our part to get involved in the push for raising awareness within our communities. You can learn how to do your part by adhering to and proactively responding to the following objectives.

What are the Primary Objectives of September Recovery Month?

september recovery month

Recovery Awareness Month has several vital objectives through numerous outreach programs and methods. All of which share an equal, yet unique importance towards achieving the bigger picture of raising addiction awareness. Bearing that in mind, here are the several objectives of recovery awareness month.

Raise Awareness of Substance Abuse Dangers

Drugs and alcohol are the most damaging things you can introduce to your mind, body, and relationships. Correlatively, September is the month that we put those dangers in perspective for family members, friends, and our community. This is intended to encourage the struggling parties to seek medical assistance for their addiction. Your efforts to put the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse into perspective can help save a life from its potentially fatal outcomes.

Encourage Treatment

Sometimes it takes an external force outside the parameters of family and friends to show someone the importance of receiving treatment. That’s why, one of the most important objectives of Recovery Awareness Month is to encourage individuals to receive the help they need. Doing so opens the opportunity to cut down on substance-related statistics such as overdose and death. If nothing else, promoting treatment makes a world of difference for the cause.

Provide Emotional, Physical, and Mental Support

Substance abuse takes a toll on the emotional, physical, and mental well-being of the user and the affected family. Therefore, we need to make extra effort to exhibit our support in every way possible to the individuals and families affected by addiction. Encourage these families to seek addiction treatment programs acknowledges their efforts.  Later on, we will cover specific ways in which you can actively provide the emotional, physical, and mental support these families need.

Celebrate Recovery and Sobriety Achievement

People who have overcome addiction need continued recognition and support considering September’s awareness efforts are about helping people achieve sobriety. So, fittingly, we utilize this month to celebrate the individuals who have overcome their strongholds by recognizing their accomplishments. This reassures them with confidence to remain strong in the continued implementation of all the tools they’ve learned in recovery. Most importantly, it allows them to reflect on where they were in contrast to the better life they currently lead.

Implore the Message that Sobriety is Achievable

Most people who suffer from addiction and its withdrawal symptoms are convinced it’s too late for them to recover. This false message is often brought upon by withdrawal symptoms and the addictive personality in those struggling which is beyond the user’s control. Therefore, it’s all the more imperative to convey the truth that recovery is achievable with the proper medical assistance. Discover the truth about how achievable sobriety is with the proper medical support and rediscover your confidence by reaching out today.

Acknowledge Volunteer and Service Provider’s Efforts

Substance abuse takes an almost equal mental and emotional toll on the friends, family, and service providers involved. The predominant reason is it’s so hard to see a loved one struggle with addiction. That’s why it’s vital to understand when one individual struggles with substance abuse, family, friends, and service providers struggle. Though volunteers and service providers aren’t enduring the difficult effects firsthand, their heart and soul is invested in recovery assistance. Acknowledging their efforts and expressing your support provides continued support and encouragement for their cause.

How To Do Your Part in Raising Awareness for Drug and Alcohol Recovery

There are innumerable outlets to do your part in September’s awareness efforts. All of these are equally important for accomplishing the main purpose of getting people to seek professional help. Here are some of the ways to get involved in the effort.

Observe the Local Community Board

Community centers are a centralized information hub of all the organized events going on in your area. Each community center has its unique variation of a community board that provides regional information on all the events according to category. This board should serve as a blueprint for numerous ways to raise awareness. It can also provide you with proactive ideas to get involved in other associated aspects of your community. Allow the community board to help you brainstorm new and creative ways to raise awareness about substance rehab awareness.

Volunteer at a Local Event

Upon consulting the community board, volunteering at a local event is a key way to take proactive action for raising recovery awareness. If nothing else, your presence and input at local events provide moral support for the common cause. This can include, but is not limited to volunteering your services at local recovery centers, halfway homes, or other outreach programs.

Start Your Own Event/Cause

Perhaps the best way to raise awareness for substance recovery is to take the initiative yourself. You have the opportunity to start your own event to raise awareness for drug and alcohol recovery. You can begin this process by drafting your signup sheet and going door-to-door to gain support for your cause. When you’ve drafted your cause and accrued your following, you can submit it to your local community center for approval.

Use Your Social Media Voice

Thanks to the outreach capabilities of social media, you have the opportunity to reach millions of people with your words. Utilize this tool to publicly promote local events, opportunities to volunteer, or any other words of support you can provide. Your post may just be the encouragement other volunteers or addiction strugglers need to get involved or seek help.

Educate Through Personal Testimony

If you or a loved one has ever struggled with substance abuse, you know the hardships that come with addiction. You can use your voice of personal testimony to convey those hardships and the importance of receiving treatment. Your impact statement and personal testimony could be just what the doctor ordered to help an individual seek the help they need. In addition, your testimony can encourage others who are dealing with substance or alcohol abuse within their family.

Join a Support Group

Support groups are there to be exactly that, support for a family or individual battling drug or alcohol abuse. This serves an important purpose to help all affected parties see and understand they don’t have to be alone in their battle with addiction.

While joining a support group can be a heavy responsibility, it is also one of the most rewarding undertakings. You’ll have the opportunity to witness the fruits of your labor and see the progress of the recovery patient firsthand. You may even discover the dearest of friendships along the way.

Volunteer as an Accountability Partner

Accountability partners in life are the greatest encouragement, reminder, and motivator to achieve individual goals and recovery is no different. While this can be involved as one of the tasks of a support group member, it is not required to be part of a support team. Yet, perhaps the greatest opportunity to take the initiative for raising substance rehabilitation awareness is to become an accountability partner. This means making yourself available by offering your companionship and availability to an individual trying to get back on track. By offering your daily support to a struggling individual, you could be the primary reason for someone’s recovery success.

Free by The Sea Has the Recovery Tools You Need to Conquer Drug and Alcohol Addiction

recovery awareness month

You can take control of your present and future by reaching out to a caring representative now. There’s no greater opportunity to get the top-notch treatment you deserve. Most importantly, Free by the Sea has the most individualized treatment options you need to achieve sustainable sobriety. Our dedicated treatment specialists are eagerly standing by to help relieve the burdens of addiction from your shoulders. You’ll have immediate peace of mind knowing you’re in good hands the moment you reach out. Contact us today.

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