Pregnant Women’s Drug Addiction Recovery in Aberdeen

Pregnant Women’s Drug Addiction Recovery in Aberdeen

When pregnant women are drug users it is not only their own life they are affecting but also that of the unborn child, and when born it is more than likely that the child will have health issues from day one.

Illegal Drugs and Pregnancy

Drugs that are taken by pregnant women can cause a multitude of health problems including anemia, sexually transmitted diseases, skin allergies, blood problems etc. Research has shown that mothers using alcohol and heroin through pregnancy had babies that suffered with low birth weights and those children exposed to marijuana or cocaine more like to suffer with behavioral problems.

In accordance with the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, over 4% of pregnant women have recently used illicit drugs. This survey also showed that those in the 15 to 25 age group are more prone to illicit drug use and cigarettes smoking than those in the 26 to 44 age group.

Treatment Options

Luckily there are some treatment options for pregnant women who are suffering from drug addiction and there are many addiction treatment centers including drug addiction recovery in Aberdeen that are willing to help pregnant women.

The main methods are as follows:

  • Medications: Methadone can be combined with a comprehensive drug treatment program and is a tried and tested effective treatment method.
  • Behavioral Treatments: Motivational incentive approaches have proved to be an effective course of treatment for pregnant ladies with nicotine, cocaine or opiate dependence.
  • Comorbidity: It is proven that pregnant women with psychological problems are more prone to substance abuse; therefore, treatment which focuses on this co-occurring pattern can be effective.

There is no doubt that drug addiction is a serious problem and it is even more serious for pregnant women. Fighting addiction requires determination, discipline and hard work, but the effort is worth it in the long run and pregnant women that are struggling with addiction are more likely to take the rehab very seriously for the good of her unborn child and will succeed where she may have failed in the past.

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