
calendar Sep 8, 2021 By Dr. Richard Crabbe

Does Marijuana Cause Insomnia or Lead to Sleep Disturbances?

Does marijuana cause insomnia? Can weed lead to problems with sleep? The short answer is yes, marijuana does cause insomnia. Understanding how marijuana does cause this insomniac state is the more important factor. Studies have concluded that marijua...

calendar Jul 28, 2021 By Dr. Richard Crabbe

Alcohol and Memory Loss: How Does Alcohol Use Affect Your Memory?

Lots of research has indicated that heavy alcohol abuse can cause damage to memory, both in the short and long term. However, by cutting back on alcohol consumption and utilizing techniques to improve your memory, it’s possible to overcome any prob...

calendar Jun 9, 2021 By Dr. Richard Crabbe

Does Alcohol Cause Anemia?

Many people drink now and again. However, a segment of the population drinks heavily on a regular basis. In fact, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration defines heavy consumption, or binge drinking, as consuming 4 or more alcoh...

calendar Jun 2, 2021 By Dr. Richard Crabbe

Cocaine and Memory Loss: What’s the Connection?

Cocaine is not only an addictive drug but it can also be extremely dangerous. There are many short-term and long-term effects of cocaine use. One of the main effects of cocaine is memory loss. Cocaine is one of the many illegal drugs that cause memor...

calendar May 10, 2021 By Dr. Richard Crabbe

Exercise and Addiction Recovery: Physical Wellness Can Help You Stay on Track in Recovery!

Wellness and recovery go hand in hand. When a person hits rock bottom and decides to embrace recovery, physical detox is the first step. From there, the journey toward a sustainable sober lifestyle will begin. To recover, one must be willing to: Face...

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